Maybe it is art imitating life, but for the past few days I have gone into a serious bought of hibernation (and not the happy kind my book is about). I apparently have a "viral infection", and although I have suffered many, this has been one of the most exhausting! So much so that yesterday I spent about 19 hours in sleep... or, you may say in "hibernation". Only it was restless and very congested, and not as pleasant and fulfilling as one a jumping mouse may undertake. I wish I could have lowered my body temperature so that I was never cold. However, that could not be so and I (may) have dealt with that.
As for the manuscript, I have completed nearly 2 chapters (of the 5 on the animals) but I will wait to post them until I have completed the second chapter so you can see the full writing on the Columbia Ground Squirrel. It took me a while to establish the right style that I wanted to use. I didn't want to seem too formal, and yet I didn't want to seem too simple. Thus I took my main source of inspiration from a children's novelist that appeals to adults and children alike, and who confidentally talks as if what is being said is real. You guessed it.. it's
GOTCHA! It's J. M. Barrie (the author of Peter Pan). Specifically I used the novel Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens because it talks a lot more about animals and although it is a different subject altogether, it makes it more relatable. So basically the most important stylistic points I drew from this was the use of the second person (addressing the audience seems less formal). This means asking questions and/or appealing to reason or the logical answer and then stating that the audience is mistaken.
So anyway, I got the style, then I had to put out the product. Getting started was the hardest part. Once I had the first one done, the second one came out quite easier.
Anyway, I wish I was this little guy, only with a blanket over me to make sure I was warm since apparently I do not possess the ability to lower my body temperature and energy levels. Although we do have more in common than you'd think. My voice probably can go only as loud as his/her's right now.
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