Sunday, March 23, 2008

To Help me Manage

Drawings I Need to do:
  1. Ground Squirrel Hibernation Chart (maybe)
  2. Skunks looking for food
  3. Skunks hibernating
  4. Nuthatch Nest
  5. Nuthatch flying
  6. Black Bear Den
  7. Black Bear out and about
  8. One more Black Bear?
  9. All the illustrations for the cover (15+, little, 2" x 2" ones) (I may be using clippings of the food they eat. Only the plant matter of course. Less because the animals seem nicer that way and more because some animals' diets include other animals in the book eek. Plus plants look nicer and less emotive than if you had a cute animal).
It seems that everytime I make a list of drawings, it gets bigger and biggger. The first time I had 13. Then I did about five and counted what I had to do and still had about 13. Now I did about 5 more and still have 9. What the heck?

But on the plus side, I've actually started designing! WOOP.
On the downside, it's reminding me more of a magazine layout than a book's. How can I fix that? I know there are differences between editorial and book but I can't quite seem to distinguish if they can carry over or not. Oh well. I've only done about 1 semi-finished spread which is only the intro into the chapter so maybe all is well.

And I think the final title will be Call me in 5 Months: An Ethology of Hibernation.

And Happy Easter if you celebrate it.

1 comment:

cassandra said...

i thought u meant ud be done your book in 5 months when i first read the post lol *loser*
